+1 (876) 471-8393 info@tonybaileyhoc.com
  • Over 40 Years Experience
    The remains of your loved ones should be entrusted in the
    hands of professionals who are capable to offer
    the services that you require and deserve.
    We supply over 20 funeral homes and funeral service providers
    across the island with quality and customized caskets
    from a wide selection of designs.
  • Reputable Customer Service
    Our doors are always opened to your every need, ensuring that you
    feel safe entrusting the care of your loved ones with us.

We aspire to become the #1 funeral home in Jamaica.


Anything can happen, we do not know when we might lose a loved one or when you might retire from this world. Prepare for the future. 

Connect with us via email or telephone

It is our mission to facilitate meaningful ways for families to celebrate the memories of their loved ones and grieve their loss.

If you didn’t know, Here’s a bit about us.

Tony Bailey’s House of Comfort is a FULL SERVICE funeral home, borne out of the closure of House of Comfort in 2017. 

Tony Bailey’s House of Comfort is headed by Managing Director, George Bailey and now has offices in Santa Cruz, St. Elizabeth and Mandeville, Manchester.

Tony Bailey’s House of Comfort is a FULL SERVICE funeral home, which carries its own morgue, providing ease of access for their client’s needs.

See below for some of the services that we offer. For a more detailed explanation of the services offered, please see Services

We supply over 800 caskets per year to over 20 funeral homes & service providers across the island

Apply to Work for Us

Build your career by applying to work with us. Working with us will assist in building your level of experience and your portfolio in the funeral industry. 

Apply to work in our upholstery and casket making department, janitorial services, embalming and as a mortician.


    Under advisement of, and behalf of their families, Tony Bailey's House of Comfort, wishes to announce the death of the following persons:

    Sylvia White
    10 Mar
    David Wilson
    10 Mar
    Earl Shields
    10 Mar

    Our Latest Notices

    View our latest notices by clicking on the postings below. We will always notify you of the happenings at Tony Bailey's House of Comfort and within the funeral industry.